80年代大陆侦破电视剧排行榜,目前其业务已成功地以特许经营模式从英国延伸至德国、中东和印度等24个国家,有76%的人认为咖世家的名字代表着咖啡的形象 ,有近400家连锁店,现正在向亚太地区进军。In 1971 Costa Coffee Bros CB Limited was established in London by two Italian brothers Sergio and Bruno Costa. The company started life as a coffee wholesaling business selling coffee to cafes restaurants and hotels. Costa has been trading in the UK for over 30 years and people associate our name with great coffee. In an independent market survey when asked to name a specialist coffee retailer 72% of people named Costa. Costa achieveds a strong image from customers in terms of serving the best cup of coffee and being the real coffee specialists.",1971年由一对意大利兄弟创建的咖啡烘焙业务 1977年在英国创建家零售店。英国盈利的咖啡连锁店品牌,"咖世家(Costa)咖啡,在英国的市场调查中,系英国一家拥有“从豆到杯”整套生产工艺的咖啡。

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